miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009

Fotografía de la Argentina

Esta es una fotografía de la Argentina no solo de hoy, de los 90 de los 80 y de los 70

30% son pobres.
62% no tienen cloacas.
58% viven sin gas natural.
47% no tienen cobertura de salud salvo la del hospital público.
33% no disponen de agua potable.
15% habitan en villas de emergencias o asentamientos precarios.

Fuente Rambletamble

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Navigating the intersection of markets, governments, policy, politics and public opinion is an increasingly challenging and important role for management teams and boards of directors. Operating in major political capitals and key emerging markets, Weinsteiner Consulting helps organizations set strategies to engage with public policy stakeholders in compelling and effective ways. We provide clients with the expertise they need to analyze, advise and deliver across these critical areas. Campaigns using media relations, digital strategies, advertising, grassroots organizing and lobbying to influence decision makers make up a public affairs initiative. Public affairs campaigns are intended to impact specific governmental actions or decisions by shaping public opinion. Weinsteiner Consulting specializes in integrated public affairs campaigns and our record of success is unparalleled.